@altontw 'What is our Christmas wish? Real universal suffrage!' #HongKong l via @yyfcxo @TranslateHK
@theophontes: #occupyhk #hk #umhk Police keep lonely vigil. Hennessy Road, CWB. 20:45
@elliepng: The last #OccupyCausewayBay occupants. #occupyhk
@TranslateHK: #OccupyHK #umhk carol tour in Causeway Bay now. Will be heading to TST tmr night.
@elliepng: 2145 Causeway Bay shopping tour departed from Sogo #occupyhk
@TranslateHK: 2-300 joining 9wu tour in causeway bay 2147
@elliepng: At least 5 cops filming & following Xmas caroling crowd in #occupyhk Causeway Bay already.
@TranslateHK: #OccupyHK Christmas Carol Tour now around Causeway Bay #umhk
@TranslateHK: "What is our Christmas wish? I want real universal suffrage!" #OccupyHK #umhk
@elliepng "Shopping tour is legal, you can't arrest us" "Merry Xmas, get beaten in dark corner" (rhymes in Cantonese) #occupyhk
@SocRECorg: 晚上09:30, 銅鑼灣崇光百貨外有人報佳音,並派發歌詞紙。特約記者tim
@elliepng Man explains why Tui Bei Tu predicts #occupyhk. Girl next to me said she didn't get it but listens patiently.
@manjyukatsuki: コーズウェイベイの占拠区。相変わらず狭い。そして来るたびに、なぜか存続できると考えてしまう
@manjyukatsuki: 現在、立法会デモ専用区 #UmbrellaRevolution
@krislc Christmas Carol in Tsim Sha Tsui. One of leading is People Power's Tam Tak-chi
@elliepng Day 76 in #occupyhk Causeway Bay
@elliepng "You can take back the roads but you can take back the minds." Message from Causeway Bay, last #occupyhk site
@japanavi 可愛くなってる!銅鑼湾占領区は、まだ終わってないですよ! #香港 #雨傘革命 #香港デモ RT @jellyfishcafe: これを見れただけでも来た甲斐があった。
@hkdemonow Admiralty Centre. Christmas decorations are set up, cleaners working hard to remove posters #OccupyHK #HongKong
@SocRECorg: 8:00pm 在銅鑼灣佔領區,仍然充滿著一把把黃傘。特約記者: Emily
@hkdemonow Legco staff came to distribute notice asking people to leave. They are polite & very friendly to occupiers #OccupyHK
@fion_li Harcourt after and before #OccupyCentral clearance - so close yet so far. #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyHK
@hkdemonow Legco area. Less tents than before #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@hkdemonow 4 tents in front of Civic Square. Please do not forget there are still hunger strikes going on #OccupyHK #HongKong
@hkdemonow These are not removed #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@theophontes #occupyhk #umhk. Street art, tweet treat.
@theophontes @James_Thorburn Oi! I found Xmas for you. Seated in CWB.
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