@krislc 「天荒地老 流連在摩天輪」
@Passiontimes 9dec she hopes #HK not become another #Tibet #UmbrellaRevolution @UN4FreeTibet
@zhaoxunlinghun [佔領銅鑼灣 Dec 09 23:10] 面對清場在即,銅鑼灣今夜聚了比較多市民
@tzmwm 「間に合わせの登壇台、夜ごとの集会、 テントの街ーそしてそこに住む人々ー が去って行く」 http://nyti.ms/1G9VJ0X thanx @byAlanWong
@zhaoxunlinghun 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:一名頭先見義勇為、大罵藍絲帶是暴徒的阿叔剛剛遇襲,狀甚痛楚。 (11:00 PM)
@fion_li "I Want True Universal Suffrage" banners in Mong Kok. #umbrellamovement #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK
@krislc even larger crowd for singer bananayo tonight. #OccupyHK
@ChuBailiang Admiralty protest camp still lively near midnight.
@ChinAnalyst Quite an audience at Admiralty tonight
@MikeGJW Mini concert right outside subway exit at #OccupyHK glow sticks and phone flash out.
@krislc taking their last happy photos #OccupyHK
@iyengarrishi Debate circles (and one Origami circle) form as CWB figures out what next. #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong
@ChuBailiang Umbrella Christmas tree in Admiralty protest camp.
@MikeGJW Gadfly exhibition on the east end. #OccupyHK
@AarcusM 2240 @xavieronearth @breakandattack enjoying the magnificent views of the tunnel while we can. #OccupyHK
@galileo44 Letitica Lee finished anti #OccupyHK #9WuRevolution march & surrounded by supporters
?@ChuBailiang Ghostly electric umbrella in Hong Kong protest camp.
?@SocRECorg: 晚上10:25,金鐘干諾道中添美道交界之物資站外,有集會人士用粉筆在地上上寫上"有傘有聚"四個字。特約記者tim http://fb.me/75hhArrr4 #UmbrellaRevolution
@zhaoxunlinghun 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:警員阻止群眾行近「反鳩嗚行動」團隊,而李偲嫣最終亦趁機乘港鐵離去。 (10:25 PM)
@zhaoxunlinghun 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:「反鳩嗚行動」結束,不過跟隨他們的群眾似乎欲罷不能,李偲嫣慘被支持者包圍。 (10:20 PM)
@fion_li Another look at the scale - a lot of cameras and police doesnt seem tense. This is Mong Kok. #UmbrellaMovement
@fion_li Policemen still station at almost all street corners and junctions in Mong Kok, i.e. No jaywalking #UmbrellaMovement
@krislc Working on new banner: "you can clear #OccupyHK, you cannot get our hearts"
?@fion_li Can't see any "shopping tours" in Mong Kok; Police looks relaxed. #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyCentral #OccupyHK
@tomgrundy #occupyhk political cartoons: http://www.asiaobserver.org/hong-kong-demonstrations-in-cartoons 、、、 Via @umbrellamvmthk
@zhaoxunlinghun 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:在彌敦道的舉牌阿叔,不斷被警察逼退。 (10:05 PM)
@zhaoxunlinghun 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 銅鑼灣現場:銅鑼灣佔領區留守者今晚開記者會,對近兩個月來堵路造成不便鞠躬致歉。他們指雖然面臨清場,但爭取普選的精神會延續下去,最後高呼口號「同道中人志不滅,遍地開花撐落區。」 (10:05 PM)
@2cats4 Umbrellas raised #OccupyHK #OccupyCausewayBay
@ChuBailiang Commemorative bracelets very popular in Admiralty occupy.
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