@SocRECorg: 23:55 旺角西洋菜南街、奶路臣街及亞皆老街交界 現場有市民不停來回過馬路,途中一直大唱聖誕歌及做出電影「饑餓遊戲」的MockingJay手勢。 #9wu #UmbrellaRevolution
@yyfcxo 妮可:【我在这里】旺角購物,現在進行時。
@tricialing CWB IS PACKED!! #Occupyhk
@SocRECorg: 2348 銅鑼灣 有佔領人士在佔領區內掛起清天白日滿地紅旗。特約記者:Matthew http://fb.me/77clNx11V #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK
@ChinAnalyst Quite a crowd in Mong Kok next to Argyle cheerfully dominating police warnings by chanting slogans& singing songs
@SocRECorg: 晚上11:45,在銅鑼灣佔領區有集會人士以電筒,膠喉,鏡片及膠片等物品製作簡易投影器,投射出不同標語及圖案
@SocRECorg: 22:35わ在警方宣布非法集結及後再宣布非法遊行,於旺角西洋菜南街的聚集人士,有部份向亞皆老街方向前進。現場消息指,他們正往潮聯小巴站方向。 記者:Jeffrey (白影) 圖片由現場人士拍攝及提供
@UmbrellaRevHK A girl in CWB is covered by Hong Kong flag and holds a Taiwan flag #UmbrellaRevolution #HK926 #OccupyHK
@yyfcxo 妮可:【我在这里】旺角購物,進行了三個多小時。 美國隊長。
@SocRECorg: 23:25 西洋菜南街,警方已設置封鎖線,大量警員戒備。 有現場人士表示:「除左差佬,我咩都見唔到、、、傻的嗎?」 文:白影 攝:Sammy Wan http://fb.me/41IRvkZzR #9wu
@SocRECorg: 23:15 銅鑼灣 一名少女背蓋香港旗,高舉綠島旗。圖:Tim 文字:Daniel Cheung http://fb.me/7h5m6oHlh #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK
@SocRECorg: 23:00 大量市民由西洋菜南街移步往潮聯小巴站,警方不敢掉以輕心,嚴陣以待。
@elliepng Yellow warning banner raised already, angering Xmas carol singers & onlookers. #Occupyhk
@SocRECorg: 晚上10:25,報佳音之教會人士在銅鑼灣時代廣場外稍作停留,警方出示黃旗。特約記者tim #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@elliepng Mainland shoppers: I don't know what this is & I'm not interested. #occupyhk singers now at Times Square.
@yyfcxo 槛外的蝉提供图片。
@TranslateHK Plainsclothes joined 9wu tour and talked to ppl normally. Now having convo with police. He does not have any ID.
@elliepng At least 5 cops filming & following Xmas caroling crowd in #occupyhk Causeway Bay already.
@yyfcxo 槛外的蝉:此刻,立法會外面還有六七十個帳篷。
@2legit2trip Into Nathan Road now #occupyhk #9wu
@TranslateHK Stores in a hurry to close the doors with 9wu tour incoming
krislc These Christmas "Carols" are actually parody #OccupyHK songs
@elliepng Plainclothes like to hide their ID badges in front pocket. #occupyhk
@elliepng "We're sitting in today so that we won't have to kneel down tomorrow." #occupyhk #OccupyCausewayBay
@theophontes: #occupyhk #hk #umhk Inside out & Outside in. Or? "
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