 据报道,阿肯色州共和党参议员汤姆·科顿(Tom Cotton)在社交媒体上表示,中国学生不应该被允许在美国大学学习科学和技术相关学科,而应该多关注莎士比亚。
"If Chinese students want to come here and study Shakespeare and the Federalist Papers, that's what they need to learn from America," Cotton said. "They don't need to learn quantum computing and artificial intelligence from America."
He added: "I believe that was a deliberate and conscious choice by the Chinese communist leadership because they did not want to see their relative power and standing in the world decline because this virus was contained within China. If we're going to suffer an economic contraction, they were not going to allow the world to continue to prosper and China be the only country whose economy was declining. They might see an absolute decline in their economy, but they refuse to see a relative decline, especially relative to the United States."
"I think most Americans are shocked to learn that so many of our basic drugs are made in China," Cotton said. "We need to stop that. We need to bring it back to the United States and get it out of China so we would give incentives to companies to build new plants here, create more jobs here. So we're not dependent on China in a pandemic or even in any kind of health concerns.
"Second, China is continuing even now to take aggressive action throughout the region to break its commitments, it's cracking down on Hong Kong and violations of its commitments to Great Britain when Great Britain returned Hong Kong," Cotton continued. "It's taking aggressive action in the South China Sea. We need to invest more in our defense industrial base to offset some of the losses we're gonna see because of this virus. We need more ships. We need more submarines. We need more bombers. We need more fighters. The exact kind of systems that will deter China from aggressive action against the United States and our interests in the Western Pacific and ultimately all around the globe."
科顿上周在接受电视节目采访时宣称:“中国是一个被抛弃的国家(贱民国家),我们必须这样对待他们。” |