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日期:10/2/2016 来源:网络 作者:网络

Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A964-O281

Release Date: October 2, 2016

Topic: The New York Symposium on the Prospect of Democracy in China Will Be Held (Radio Free Asia)
 Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)

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The New York Symposium on the Prospect of Democracy in China Will Be Held
 -- Radio Free Asia

 The Symposium on the Prospect of Democracy in China is being held in New York City in the USA and continues for 3 days.  The theme of this conference is "the Political Change and Democratic Prospects in China -- a Game of Justice and Evil, and the Moral Responsibility and Choices of the International Community.  The 3 day long conference has various people in attendance and participating in the discussion.

Xia Ming, a professor at CUNY and adjunct professor of political science at the New York University, is hosting of the conference.  According to Professor Xia Ming, the first part of the conference will be a discussion session in English, while the second and third days will be in Chinese.  The organizers are the China Democracy Forum, co-organized by the City University of New York and Beijing Spring.

Professor Xia Ming said the people speaking at this conference include Wei Jingsheng, Chen Pokong, Huang Ciping, Xiang Xiaoji, Wang Juntao, Yao Cheng, Teng Biao and Chen Xiaoping etc.  The themes of the speeches vary, and include "the Interpretation of China's Current Situation", " From Lin Biao's Coup to the Current Dire Political and Economic Situation in China", "Does the Opening of the Second Child Policy Mean the Improvement of the Human Rights Situation for Chinese Women and Children?", "The Role of the Overseas Democracy Movement in the Political Transformation of China", "Chinese Citizens' Rights Defending Movement in the United States" and so on.

Regarding this event, Professor Xia Ming told reporter Bing Ling: "The theme this time is mainly around the democratization in China, because now China is not on the road to realize democracy; on the contrary, it is going backwards.  With this background, we wish to raise this question of whether China's democratization is possible or not, and also to show the mainstream society of the confidence of the Overseas Chinese who are pushing for democratization in China.  For the past more than ten years, I have participated in some event in New York every year or ever other year.  I represent the scholar side.  From the point of an organizer, this conference is the largest one.  Even from its large scale, one could tell that many people have anxiety and doubt in the current situation and need answers.

Professor Xia Ming made a note of the most important part of the first day of the conference.  He said: "The arrangement of this conference has several characteristics, the first is that there is an English conference on the first day.  Most of the speakers on the first day are Chinese in America, who will discuss a wide range of topics about China.  The speakers include a professor of politics, history and international relations at the University of Pennsylvania.  He will discuss the current challenge and thinking from a historic point of view.  He is able to stand out in support the democratic cause of China, and take the initiative to voice support to this conference.  I hope that there are more scholars and professors like him.  There is also a speaker who wrote a book more than 10 years ago which had predicted the financial and economic crisis in China due to its many political practices.  The speeches by some young Chinese professors also deserve attention, such as about the democratic progress in China and related international factors due to many problems in the West itself.  We must ask if there is any contribution to China's democratic development by the West.  Also, there are some discussions of the "unique doctrine" of China from a historical point of view.  The conference also invited several representatives of ethnic minorities, who will analyze and discuss democratization from an ethnic and regional perspective.

The above is a report by Bing Ling, a special correspondent of Radio Free Asia, from New York.

 Original link of this report:

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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A964-O281

Release Date: October 2, 2016

Topic: The New York Symposium on the Prospect of Democracy in China Will Be Held (Radio Free Asia)
 Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



 -- 自由亚洲电台特约记者冰凌报道



夏明教授介绍说,本次会议的发言人包括魏京生、陈破空、黄慈萍、项小吉、王军涛、姚诚、滕彪以及陈小平等。发言的主题各不相同,比如"中国时局解读","从林彪的政变谈政治与经济险象丛生的今日中国"、"放开二胎是否改善中国妇幼人权状况"、"海外民运在中国政治转型中的角色"、 "在美国进行中国公民维权运动"等。







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 通讯地址:Wei Jingsheng Foundation, PO Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA

