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日期:5/18/2015 来源:网络 作者:网络


    电话:(302) 312-6840 陆文禾博士
    电子邮件:ifcss64@AOL.compingwang88@hotmail.com 王平博士
    地址:IFCSS c/o Ciping HUANG, P.O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA
    2015年4月4日,全美学自联理事会召开会议,5名理事参加。会议做出决议并确认,全美中国学生学者自治联合会将于2015年5月30日(星期 六)在美国首都华盛顿中共驻美大使馆前(地址为: 3505 International Pl NW, Washington, DC 20008-3025)连续第26年主办"六四"纪念会,以悼念在1989年民主运动中牺牲的人们。同时,全美学自联还将在纪念会上颁布2015年度全美 学自联"自由精神奖"(Spirit of Freedom Award),宣布获奖人并致颂辞。学自联特此公告并向社会各界征集有关候选人的提名。
    全美学自联邀请社会各界人士参加2015年5月30日晚间19点半至21点半在美国首都华盛顿中共驻美大使馆前公园内举办的"六四"纪念会。以此 表达我们的哀思,争取在中国早日实现人权和民主。(中共驻美大使馆地址为: 3505 International Pl NW, Washington, DC 20008-3025。大使馆边上Van Ness St NW 路边有周末免费停车处,其北付费停车场。) 全美学自联欢迎有志之士参加,及支持中国民主自由的组织协办这次活动。
    "自由精神奖"由全美学自联理事会2001年通过决议设立,其目的是颂扬和表彰中国公民不畏专制恐怖、蔑视极权强暴的勇气,和以良知、 鲜血和生命呼唤自由的精神。"自由精神奖"一向开放接受社会各界提名。被提名者和获奖人应身居中国。
    有关全美学自联"自由精神奖"详情及具体提名细节,请致电1(302) 312-6840查询。欢迎社会各界积极参与提名。提名介绍请Email至:ifcss64@AOL.compingwang88@hotmail.com;或寄往:IFCSS, P.O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003.。提名截至日期为2015年5月25日。
    The IFCSS Announces It Will Host the Commemoration of the June 4 Massacre in Front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC on May 30, 2015 and Calls for the 2015 Nomination of the "Spirit of Freedom Award"
    Contact IFCSS:
    Phone: (302) 312-6840 Dr. Wenhe LU
    E-mail:ifcss64@AOL.com and pingwang88@hotmail.com Dr. Ping WANG
    Mailing address:IFCSS c/o Ciping HUANG, P.O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA
    On April 4, 2015, the Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars (IFCSS) council held a meeting participated in by its 5 council members. At the meeting it was resolved and confirmed to hold the annual commemoration of the June 4 Massacre in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC, USA (address: 3505 International Pl NW, Washington, DC 20008-3025, USA) on Saturday, May 30, 2015. This gathering will be the 26th consequent yearly commemoration lead by the IFCSS in memory of the heroes and victims of the June 4 Massacre in the 1989 pro-democracy movement. During the same event, the IFCSS shall reveal its 2015 annual "Spirit of Freedom Award" winner and give its award dedication. Hereby, the IFCSS is calling for nominations for this year's candidates from the whole society.
    The IFCSS invites everyone in the community to participate in our commemoration to be held in the park in front of the Chinese embassy in Washington DC on the evening of May 30, 2015 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. We will express our grievance for the victims of the June 4 Massacre in 1989 and to strive for the early realization of human rights and democracy in China. (The address of the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC is: 3505 International Pl NW, Washington, DC 20008, USA. There is meter parking on the roadside of Van Ness by the embassy which is free during the weekend. There is also a parking garage across Van Ness on the north side of the road.) The IFCSS welcomes the public to participate and organizations that support democracy and freedom in China to co-sponsor our event as well.
    The "Spirit of Freedom Award" was established by an IFCSS Council resolution in 2001. It aims to recognize and celebrate Chinese citizens who are not afraid of authoritarian terror and contemptuous of totalitarian violence, who have the spirit to call for freedom with conscience, sacrificing even their lives. The "Spirit of Freedom Award" has always been open to accept nominations from the whole community. The nominees and winners should be residing in China.
    Since the "Spirit of Freedom Award" was awarded for the first time in 2001 to Mr. Song Zhongqiu, who was at the end of his life with terminal cancer yet raised his voice and publicly announced quitting the Communist Party, the IFCSS has been announcing the awardees during its June 4 commemoration every year. Other awardees include:
     In 2002 to Mr. Hushigeng.
     In 2005 to Dr. Yang Jianli;
    In 2006 to the 3 Gentlemen who unprecedentedly challenged Mao Zedong, which was praised as "a magnificent feat of the 1989 pro-democracy movement";
    In 2007 to Mr. Yang Tianshui and Mr. Chen Guangcheng;
    In 2008 to Mr. Lu Gengsong and Mr. Hu Jin.
    In 2009 to Dr. Liu Xiaobo;
    In 2010 to Dr. Wang Bingzhang who as a pioneer had promoted the democracy movement from overseas for many years;
    In 2011 to the famous artist Ai Weiwei who speaks for "the vulnerable groups with fear";
    In 2012 to Mr. Li Wangyang, who was the chairman of the Shaoyang Independent Workers' Union of Hunan Province, and thus received a 13-year prison sentence and long time persecution of the Communist regime until his mysterious death.
     In 2013 to Mr. Zhu Chengzhi;
     Last year, it was awarded to the outspoken writer Mr. Li Chengpeng and activist Mr. Liu Xianbin.
    Regarding the nominations and details of the IFCSS "Spirit of Freedom Award", please call Dr. Lu at 1(302) 312-6840. The IFCSS welcomes the community to actively participate in the nomination. Nominations may be e-mailed to: ifcss64@AOL.com and pingwang88@hotmail.com; or snail mailed to: Ciping Huang c/o IFCSS, PO Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA. The deadline for nominations is May 15, 2015.
    IFCSS -- the Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars, USA

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