11 (8) the Federal Bureau of Investigation and ap- 12 propriate United States law enforcement entities 13 should track and take steps to hold accountable offi- 14 cials from China who harass, threaten, or intimidate 15 United States citizens and legal permanent resi- 16 dents, including Turkic Muslims, Uyghur-Americans, 17 Chinese-Americans, and Chinese nationals legally 18 studying or working in the United States;
(8)聯邦調查局和適當的美國執法機構應跟踪並採取步驟,追究來自中國官員的責任,這些官員騷擾,威脅或恐嚇美國公民和合法永久居民,包括突厥穆斯林,維吾爾裔美國人,中國裔美國人。 -在美國合法學習或工作的中國國民; 19 (9) the Secretary of State should work with tra- 20 ditional United States allies and partners to take 21 similar steps and coordinate closely on targeted 22 sanctions and visa restrictions; and 23 (10) the work of Radio Free Asia’s Uyghur lan- 24 guage service should be commended for providing a 25 detailed and accurate account of current events fac-
DAV19069 S.L.C. 14 1 ing Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in China 2 despite efforts by the Government of the People’s 3 Republic of China to intimidate their reporting 4 through threats and detention of family members 5 living in China. 國務卿應與美國傳統盟友和合作夥伴一起採取類似步驟,並在針對性制裁和簽證限制方面進行密切協調;且需讚揚自由亞洲電台維吾爾語服務的工作,因為它詳細,準確地介紹了維吾爾人和中國其他少數民族面臨的時事,儘管中華人民共和國政府努力通過威脅和拘留來恐嚇他們的在中國的家庭成員。
6 SEC. 6. NATIONAL SECURITY REPORT. 7 (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days after the 8 date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of National 9 Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State, 10 shall provide to the appropriate congressional committees 11 a classified and unclassified report to assess national and 12 regional security threats posed by the crackdown across 13 Xinjiang, the frequency with which Central and Southeast 14 Asian governments are forcibly returning Turkic Muslim 15 refugees and asylum seekers, and the transfer or develop- 16 ment of technology used by the Government of the Peo- 17 ple’s Republic of China that facilitates the mass intern- 18 ment and surveillance of Turkic Muslims, including tech- 19 nology relating to predictive policing and large-scale data 20 collection and analysis. (a) 在該法頒佈之日起180天內,國家情報總監應與國務卿協調,向有關國會委員會提供一份機密和非機密報告評估整個新疆的鎮壓行動對國家和地區的安全威脅,中亞和東南亞各國政府強行遣返突厥族穆斯林難民和尋求庇護者的頻率,以及使得中華人民共和國政府為突厥穆斯林進行大規模拘留和監視而使用的技術的技術領域的轉移或研發,包括與預測性警務和大規模資料收集和分析有關的技術。
21 (b) ANNEX.—The report required under subsection 22 (a) shall include an annex with a list of all Chinese compa- 23 nies involved in the construction or operation of the ‘‘polit- 24 ical education’’ camps, and the provision or operation of 25 surveillance technology or operations, across Xinjiang. 21 (b) 附件.*如下款要求的報告 22 (a) 應附上一份附件,其中列出所有參與新疆"政治教育"營地建設或運營的中國公司,以及提供或操作監視技術或業務。
DAV19069 S.L.C. 15 1 SEC. 7. PROTECTING CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS OF THE 2 UNITED STATES FROM INTIMIDATION AND 3 COERCION. 4 (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days after the 5 date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of the Fed- 6 eral Bureau of Investigation, in consultation with the Sec- 7 retary of State, shall provide a report to the appropriate 8 congressional committees that outlines any and all efforts 9 to provide information to and protect United States citi- 10 zens and residents, including ethnic Uyghurs and Chinese 11 nationals legally studying or working temporarily in the 12 United States who have experienced harassment or intimi- 13 dation by officials or agents of the Government of the Peo- 14 ple’s Republic of China and the Communist Party within 15 the United States and those whose families in China have 16 experienced threats or detention because of their work or 17 advocacy. (a) 在該法頒佈之日起90天內,聯邦調查局局長應與國務卿協商,向適當的國會委員會提交報告,概述任何以及向美國公民和居民提供資訊和保護的一切努力,包括維吾爾族和在美國合法學習或暫時工作的中國公民,他們在美国曾受到中華人民共和國政府的和共產黨的官员和(或)其在美國的代理人的騷擾或恐嚇,以及其在中國的家人因工作或传播(信念)而遭受威脅或拘留的人。
18 (b) DATABASE OF DETAINED FAMILY MEMBERS OF 19 UNITED STATES CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS.—The Sec- 20 retary of State should explore appropriate mechanisms to 21 establish a voluntary database to which United States citi- 22 zens or permanent resident family members of the Uyghur 23 diaspora can provide details about missing family mem- 24 bers, with a view towards pressing for information and ac- 25 countability from the Government of the People’s Republic 26 of China and to take appropriate measures to expedite the
DAV19069 S.L.C. 16 1 asylum claims of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other Turkic 2 Muslim minorities. 18 (b) 被拘留的美國公民和居民家屬資料庫.-—國務卿應探討適當的機制,建立一個自願性質資料庫,讓美國公民或維吾爾族永久居民家庭成員流亡者能夠使用,可以提供有關失蹤家庭成員的詳細情況,以便敦促中華人民共和國政府提供資訊和問責,並採取適當措施加快維吾爾人、哈薩克人和其他突厥穆斯林少數民族的申訴。
3 SEC. 8. REPORT ON PUBLIC DIPLOMACY. 4 (a) REPORT.—Not later than 120 days after the date 5 of the enactment of this Act, the CEO of the United 6 States Agency for Global Media shall submit to the appro- 7 priate congressional committees a report that— 8 (1) describes the current status and reach of 9 United States broadcasting to the Xinjiang region 10 and Uyghur speaking communities globally, barriers 11 to the free flow of news and information to these 12 communities, and, if appropriate, detailed technical 13 and fiscal requirements necessary to increase broad- 14 casting and other media to these communities glob- 15 ally;
3 部分.8.公共外交報告。 4 (a) 報告.[不遲于本法頒佈之日起120天,美國全球媒體機構的首席執行官應向適當的國會委員會提交一份報告,* (1) 描述美國廣播到新疆地區和全球維吾爾文社區的現狀和範圍,對新聞和資訊自由流向這些社區的障礙,並酌情詳細提供技術和財政的必要要求,以增加向全球這些社區(送達)廣播和其他媒體;
16 (2) describes efforts to intimidate Radio Free 17 Asia and Voice of America reporters reporting on 18 human rights issues in the People’s Republic of 19 China; and 20 (3) in consultation with the Global Engagement 21 Center at the Department of State, describes and 22 assesses disinformation and propaganda by the Gov- 23 ernment of the People’s Republic of China or other 24 members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization 25 targeting Uyghur communities globally and efforts
DAV19069 S.L.C. 17 1 to downplay gross violations of universally recog- 2 nized human rights occurring in the Xinjiang region 3 and any activities or programs that address these ef- 4 forts. (2)描述為恐嚇自由亞洲電臺和美國之音記者報導中華人民共和國人權問題所作的後果;(3)並與美國國務院全球接觸中心協商,描述和評估中華人民共和國政府或上海合作組織其他成員針對維吾爾文的虛假資訊和宣傳社會,並努力淡化在新疆地區發生的嚴重侵犯普遍承認的人權,以及任何針對這些努力的活動或計畫。
5 (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of Con- 6 gress that the journalists of the Uyghur language service 7 of Radio Free Asia should be highly commended for their 8 reporting on the human rights and political situation in 9 Xinjiang despite efforts to silence or intimidate their re- 10 porting through the detention of family members and rel- 11 atives by the Government of the People’s Republic of 12 China. 5(b)國會之認可。
13 SEC. 9. ANNUAL REPORT. 14 (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days after the 15 date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, 16 the Secretary of State, after consulting relevant Federal 17 agencies and civil society organizations, shall submit to the 18 appropriate congressional committees and make available 19 on the website of Department of State an interagency re- 20 port 21 22 23 24 25 that includes— (1) an assessment of the number of individuals detained in political ‘‘reeducation camps’’ and condi- tions in the camps for detainees in the Xinjiang re- gion, including whether detainees endure torture, forced renunciation of faith, or other mistreatment; 第9款。年報。 (a) 在該法頒佈之日起180天內,以及此後每年,國務卿在諮詢有關聯邦機構和民間社會組織後,應提交適當的國會委員會,並在國務院網站上提供一份機構間報告,其中包括* (1) 評估在新疆地區被拘押者中被拘留的"再教育營"人數和在拘留營的條件,包括被拘留者是否遭受酷刑、被迫放棄信仰或其他虐待;
DAV19069 S.L.C. 18 1 (2) a description, as possible, of the geographic 2 location of the camps and estimates of the number 3 of people detained in such facilities; 4 (3) a description, as possible, of the methods 5 used by People’s Republic of China authorities to 6 ‘‘reeducate’’ Uyghur detainees as well as the Peo- 7 ple’s Republic of China agencies in charge of reedu- 8 cation; (2) 盡可能說明營地的地理位置,估計被拘留在這類設施中的人數;(三)說明中華人民共和國當局對維吾爾族在押人員以及中華人民共和國負責再教育的機構"再教育"的方法; 9 (4) an assessment of the number of individuals 10 being arbitrarily detained, including in pretrial de- 11 tention centers and prisons; 12 (5) an assessment of forced labor in the camps 13 and in regional factories for low wages under threat 14 of being sent back to ‘‘political reeducation’’ camps; 15 (6) a list of Chinese companies and industries 16 benefiting from such labor, and a description of ac- 17 tions taken to address forced labor in Xinjiang con- 18 current with the People’s Republic of China’s Tier 19 3 designation under the 2018 Trafficking in Persons 20 Report; 9(4)評估被任意拘留的人數,包括在審前拘留所和監獄中; (5)對在營地和地區工廠中被迫送回“政治教育”營地的威脅下的低工資進行的強迫勞動評估;(6)受益於這種勞動的中國公司和行業清單,以及 ,一份描述為從事強迫勞動而採取的行動(根據《 2018年人口販運報告》中華人民共和國的認定為第三級。)
21 (7) an assessment of the level of access People’s 22 Republic of China authorities grant to diplomats, 23 journalists, and others to the Xinjiang region and a 24 description of measures used to impede efforts to
DAV19069 S.L.C. 19 1 monitor human rights conditions in the Xinjiang re- 2 gion; (7)對中華民國政府給予外交官,新聞工作者和其他人員進入新疆地區的准入程度的評估,並描述了用於阻礙努力監測新疆地區人權狀況的措施; 3 (8) an assessment of the repressive surveillance, 4 detection, and control methods used by People’s Re- 5 public of China authorities in the Xinjiang region, 6 and a list of individuals who hold senior leadership 7 positions and are responsible for ‘‘high-tech’’ polic- 8 ing, mass incarceration, and reeducation efforts tar- 9 geting Uyghur and other predominately Muslim eth- 10 nic minorities in the Xinjiang region; (八)對中華人民共和國新疆地區公安機關使用的壓制性監視、偵查和控制方法的評估,以及擔任高級領導職務和負責"高科技"警務的人員名單,針對新疆地區維吾爾族和其他穆斯林占多數的少數民族的大規模監禁和再教育工作; and 11 (9) a description of United States diplomatic ef- 12 forts to address the gross violations of universally 13 recognized rights in the Xinjiang region and to pro- 14 tect asylum seekers from the region, including in 15 multilateral institutions and through bilateral rela- 16 tions with the People’s Republic of China, the na- 17 tions of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation 18 (OIC), and other countries. (9)說明美國為解決新疆地區嚴重侵犯普遍承認的權利和保護該地區的尋求庇護者而進行的外交努力,其包括在多邊機構中以及通過雙邊關係與中華人民共和國,各國的雙邊關係伊斯蘭合作組織(OIC)以及其他國家/地區。
19 (b) TERMINATION.—The Secretary of State may ter- 20 minate the report required under subsection (a) if the Sec- 21 retary certifies to the appropriate congressional commit- 22 tees that the gross violations of universally recognized 23 human rights and mass detention of Uyghurs and other 24 predominately Muslim ethnic minorities have ended in the 25 Xinjiang region. (b) 終止[國務卿可終止第款所要求的報告:(a) 如果秘書向國會有關委員會證明,嚴重侵犯人權和大規模拘留維吾爾族和其他穆斯林占多數的少數民族(的行為)在新疆地區已經結束。
3 (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State should 4 consider the establishment of a new position within the 5 Department of State, the United States Special Coordi- 6 nator for Xinjiang, who will coordinate diplomatic, polit- 7 ical, public diplomacy, financial assistance, sanctions, 8 counterterrorism, security resources, and congressional re- 9 porting requirements within the United States Govern- 10 ment to respond to the gross violations of universally rec- 11 ognized human rights occurring in the Xinjiang region, 12 including by addressing the mass detentions of Uyghurs 13 and other predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities, the de- 14 ployment of technologically advanced surveillance and po- 15 lice detection methods, and the counterterrorism and 16 counter-radicalism claims used to justify the policies of the 17 Government of the People’s Republic of China in Xinjiang. (a)總而言之。國務卿應考慮在美國國務院特別事務部國務院內設立一個新職位,該職位將協調外交,政治,公共外交,財政援助,制裁,反恐,美國政府內部的安全資源和國會報告要求,以應對新疆地區發生的嚴重侵犯普遍承認的人權的行為,包括解決維吾爾族和其他主要是穆斯林少數民族的大規模拘留,採用先進技術監視和警察偵查方法,以及使用反恐和反激進主義主張為中華人民共和國政府在新疆的政策辯護。
18 (b) APPOINTMENT.—If the Secretary determines that 19 establishment of the position described in subsection (a) 20 is appropriate, the Secretary may appoint the Special Co- 21 ordinator from among officers and employees of the De- 22 partment of State. The Secretary may allow such officer 23 or employee to retain the position (and the responsibilities 24 associated with such position) held by such officer or em- 25 ployee prior to the appointment of such officer or employee 26 to the position of Special Coordinator. (b)任命。如果秘書確定設立第(a)款所述職位是適當的,則秘書可以從國務院的官員和僱員中任命特別協調員。秘書可允許該高級職員或僱員保留該高級職員或僱員擔任的職務(以及與該職務有關的責任),然後再任命高級職員或僱員為特別協調員。
DAV19069 S.L.C. 21 1 (c) TERMINATION.—The Secretary of State may ter- 2 minate the Special Coordinator position 45 days after cer- 3 tifying to the appropriate congressional committees that 4 the gross violations of universally recognized human rights 5 and mass detention of Uyghurs and other predominately 6 Muslim ethnic minorities have ended in the Xinjiang re- 7 gion. (c)終止:國務卿可在向適當的國會委員會證明在新疆結束了普遍侵犯維吾爾人和其他穆斯林為主的少數民族的嚴重侵犯人權行為後,終止了特別協調員的職務區域。
8 (d) CONSULTATION.—The Secretary shall consult 9 with the chairman and ranki此新闻共有2页 第1页 第2页