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日期:9/26/2019 来源:网络 作者:网络

[维吾尔人权政策法案」 Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act 双语版

本法案原文來自Rubio 卢比奥议员的政府网站,标题为Rubio, Menendez Applaud Senate Passage of the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act

SEP 11 2019


出於尊重司法體系文案格式的需要,译者沒有修改英文原文的排版——译者 Zu Wang (钟山)


DAV19069 S.L.C.

S. ll

To condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China.

S. ll





Mr. RUBIO introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on

鲁比奥先生介绍了以下法案; (被两次阅读),并提交委员会llllllllll



To condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China.





  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2019’’.



The purpose of this Act is to direct United States resources to address gross violations of universally recognized human rights, including the mass internment of over 1,000,000 Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities in China ,and the intimidation and threats faced by United States citizens and legal permanent residents.

SEC.  2.目的声明



SEC.  3.适当的国会委员会

In this section, the term ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ means—

在本节中,“适当的国会委员会”一词是指 -

(1) the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Armed Services, the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and


(2) the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Armed Services, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Financial Services, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives.



SEC. 4.結果

Congress makes the following findings:


(1) The Government of the People’s Republic of

China (PRC) has a long history of repressing ap- proximately 13,000,000 Turkic, moderate Sunni


DAV19069 S.L.C. 3(進入第三頁 分頁編號)

1 Muslims, particularly Uyghurs, in the nominally au-

2 tonomous Xinjiang region. These actions are in con-

3 travention of international human rights standards,

4 including the Universal Declaration of Human

5 Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and

6 Political Rights.


7 (2) In recent decades, central and regional Chi-

8 nese government policies have systematically dis-

9 criminated against Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and

10 other Muslims in Xinjiang by denying them a range

11 of civil and political rights, including the freedoms of

12 expression, religion, movement, and a fair trial,

13 among others.


14 (3) Increased unrest in the Xinjiang region as

15 a result of the central government’s severe repres-

16 sion is used in Orwellian fashion by the Government

17 of the People’s Republic of China as evidence of

18 ‘‘terrorism’’ and ‘‘separatism’’ and as an excuse for

19 further disproportionate response.


20 (4) In 2014, Chinese authorities launched their

21 latest ‘‘Strike Hard against Violent Extremism’’

22 campaign, in which the pretext of wide-scale, inter-

23 nationally linked threats of terrorism were used to

24 justify pervasive restrictions on, and gross human


DAV19069 S.L.C. 4(第四頁)

1 rights violations of, the ethnic minority communities

2 of Xinjiang.(譯文見前項)

3 (5) Those policies included—

4 (A) pervasive, high-tech surveillance across

5 the region, including the arbitrary collection of

6 biodata, including DNA samples from children,

7 without their knowledge or consent;



8 (B) the use of QR codes outside homes to

9 gather information on how frequently individ-

10 uals pray;


11 (C) facial and voice recognition software

12 and ‘‘predictive policing’’ databases; and

13 (D) severe restrictions on the freedom of

14 movement across the region.

(C)面部和语音识别软件和“预测警务”数据库; (D)严格限制整个地区的行动自由。

15 (6) Chinese security forces have never been held

16 accountable for credible reports of mass shootings in

17 Alaqagha (2014), Hanerik (2013), and Siriqbuya

18 (2013), as well as the extrajudicial killings of

19 Abdulbasit Ablimit (2013) and Rozi Osman (2014).

(6)中国安全部队从未对Alaqagha(2014),Hanerik(2013)和Siriqbuya(2013)的大规模枪击事件的持有可靠报道,以及包括法外杀害Abdulbasit Ablimit(2013)和Rozi Osman(  2014)。

20 (7)(A) The August 2016 transfer of former

21 Tibet Autonomous Region Party Secretary Chen

22 Quanguo to become the Xinjiang Party Secretary

23 prompted an acceleration in the crackdown across

24 the region.


DAV19069 S.L.C. 5(第五頁)

1 (B) Local officials in Xinjiang have used

2 chilling political rhetoric to describe the purpose of

3 government policy including ‘‘eradicating tumors’’

4 and ‘‘spray[ing] chemicals’’ on crops to kill the

5 ‘‘weeds’’.


6 (C) Uyghurs are forced to celebrate Chinese

7 cultural traditions, such as Chinese New Year, and

8 unique Uyghur culture is facing eradication due to

9 state control over Uyghur cultural heritage, such as

10 muqam (a musical tradition) and meshrep (tradi-

11 tional cultural gatherings), and due to elimination of

12 the Uyghur language as a medium of instruction in

13 Xinjiang schools and universities.


14 (8) In 2017, credible reports found that family

15 members of Uyghurs living outside of China had

16 gone missing inside China, that Chinese authorities

17 were pressuring those outside the country to return,

18 and that individuals were being arbitrarily detained

19 in large numbers.


20 (9) There is ample credible evidence provided

21 by scholars, human rights organizations, journalists,

22 and think tanks substantiating the establishment by

23 Chinese authorities of ‘‘political reeducation’’ camps.


24 (10) Independent organizations conducted

25 interviews, including testimonies from Kayrat


DAV19069 S.L.C. 6

1 Samarkan, Omir Bekali, and Mihrigul Tursun, along

2 with others who had been detained in such facilities,

3 who described forced political indoctrination, torture,

4 beatings, food deprivation, and solitary confinement,

5 as well as uncertainty as to the length of detention,

6 humiliation, and denial of religious, cultural, and lin-

7 guistic freedoms, and confirmed that they were told

8 by guards that the only way to secure release was

9 to demonstrate sufficient political loyalty.

Samarkan,Omir Bekali和Mihrigul Tursun,以及其他被拘留在這些設施中的人,他們描述了強迫政治灌輸,酷刑,毆打,食物匱乏和單獨監禁,以及無法統計時間拘留的,羞辱,並且否認宗教,文化和語言自由,並確認被警衛人員告訴他們,獲得釋放的唯一方法是表現出足夠的政治忠誠。

 Poor con-

10 ditions and lack of medical treatment at such facili-

11 ties appear to have contributed to the deaths of

12 some detainees, including the elderly and infirm.


13 Uyghurs Muhammed Salih Hajim (2018), Yaqupjan

14 Naman (2018), Abdughappar Abdujappar (2018),

15 Ayhan Memet (2018), Abdulreshit Seley Hajim

16 (2018), Nurimangul Memet (2018), Adalet Teyip

17 (2018), Abdulehed Mehsum (2017), Hesen Imin

18 (2017), and Sawut Raxman (2017) reportedly died

19 while in the custody of the Chinese authorities in

20 ‘‘political reeducation’’ camps, without proper inves-

21 tigation of the circumstances.

Uyghurs Muhammed Salih Hajim(2018),Yaqupjan Naman(2018),Abdughappar Abdujappar(2018),Ayhan Memet(2018),Abdulreshit Seley Hajim(2018),Nurimangul Memet(2018),Adalet Teyip(2018),Abdulehed Mehsum(2017)據報導,Hesen Imin(2017年)和Sawut Raxman(2017年)在沒有經過適當調查的情況下,在“政治教育”營地中被中國當局拘留期間去世。

22 (11) Uyghurs and Kazakhs, who have now ob-

23 tained permanent residence or citizenship in other

24 countries, attest to receiving threats and harassment

25 from Chinese officials.


DAV19069 S.L.C. 7

1 (12) Under pressure from the Government of

2 the People’s Republic of China, countries have forc-

3 ibly returned Uyghurs to China in violation of the

4 non-refoulement principle and their well-founded

5 fear of persecution. 


States returning Uyghurs in-

6 clude Egypt (2017), the United Arab Emirates

7 (2017), Malaysia (2011, 2013), Thailand (2011,

8 2015), Laos (2010), Burma (2010), Cambodia

9 (2009), Vietnam (2014), Kazakhstan (1999, 2001,

10 2003, 2006), Uzbekistan (2007), Tajikistan (2011),

11 Pakistan (2003, 2009, 2011), Nepal (2002), and

12 India (2016).

返回維吾爾族的國家包括埃及(2017年),阿拉伯聯合酋長國(2017年),馬來西亞(2011年,2013年),泰國(2011年,2015年),老撾(2010年),緬甸(2010年),柬埔寨(2009年),越南(2014年) ,哈薩克斯坦(1999年,2001,2003,2006),烏茲別克斯坦(2007年),塔吉克斯坦(2011年),巴基斯坦(2003年,2009年,2011年),尼泊爾(2002年)和印度(2016年)。

13 (13) Six journalists for Radio Free Asia’s

14 Uyghur service have publicly detailed abuses their

15 family members in Xinjiang have endured in re-

16 sponse to their work exposing abusive policies across

17 the region.


18 (14) Several United States-based companies are

19 conducting business with Xinjiang authorities with-

20 out sufficient due diligence or safeguards to ensure

21 their business operations do not create or contribute

22 to human rights violations.


23 (15) The Government of the People’s Republic

24 of China is increasingly investing in the ‘‘Belt and

25 Road Initiative’’ across Xinjiang and throughout

DAV19069 S.L.C. 8

1 Central Asia, extending its influence through organi-

2 zations such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organiza-

3 tion without regard to the political, cultural, or lin-

4 guistic rights of ethnic minorities.


5 (16) The Secretary of State, Congressional-Ex-

6 ecutive Commission on China, Tom Lantos Human

7 Rights Commission, and individual members of the

8 executive branch and Congress have all expressed

9 growing concern regarding the pervasive human

10 rights abuses across Xinjiang and the ‘‘political re-

11 education’’ camps.


12 (17) In August 2018, the United Nations Com-

13 mittee to Eliminate Racial Discrimination challenged

14 the Government of the People’s Republic of China

15 over abuses in Xinjiang, including the establishment

16 of mass arbitrary detention camps.


17 (18) Between August and September 2018,

18 Chinese authorities responded to these allegations by

19 either flatly denying them or insisting that the facili-

20 ties are ‘‘vocational training centers’’.


21 (19) In September 2018, newly appointed

22 United Nations High Commissioner for Human

23 Rights Michele Bachelet noted in her first speech as

24 High Commissioner the ‘‘deeply disturbing allega-

25 tions of large-scale arbitrary detentions of Uighurs

DAV19069 S.L.C. 9

1 and other Muslim communities, in so-called re-edu-

2 cation camps across Xinjiang’’.



3 (20) On September 18, 2018, the Washington

4 Post editorial board wrote, ‘‘At stake is not just the

5 welfare of the Uighurs, but also whether the tech-

6 nologies of the 21st century will be employed to

7 smother human freedom.’’


8 (21) In December 2018 testimony before the

9 Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and Inter-

10 national Cybersecurity Policy of the Committee on

11 Foreign Relations of the Senate, Deputy Assistant

12 Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor

13 Scott Busby testified that the number of those de-

14 tained in camps since April 2017 was ‘‘at least

15 800,000 and possibly more than 2 million’’.

(21)2018年12月,參議院外交關係委員會,民主,人權和勞工局副助理部長斯科特·巴斯比的東亞,太平洋和國際網絡安全政策小組委員會作證,證實被拘留者人數自2017年4月以來,在難民營中“至少有15 800,000,可能超過200萬”。

16 (22) In December 2018, independent media re-

17 ports pointed to growing evidence of forced labor in

18 the camps, as well as reports of individuals who have

19 been released from camps being forced to labor in

20 nearby factories for low wages under threat of being

21 sent back to ‘‘political reeducation’’ camps.


22 (23) In December 2018 and January 2019,

23 Chinese officials organized visits to ‘‘political reedu-

24 cation’’ camps in Xinjiang for a small group of for-

25 eign journalists and diplomats from 12 non-Western

DAV19069 S.L.C. 10

1 countries. In the months preceding the visits, inter-

2 national media reported that officials worked to re-

3 move security features from some ‘‘political reeduca-

4 tion’’ facilities, and coached detainees and area resi-

5 dents not to make negative comments about the

6 camps. Reports also indicated that officials had

7 transferred large numbers of detainees to detention

8 facilities in other parts of China.


9 (24) Experts have described the Xinjiang region

10 as ‘‘a police state to rival North Korea, with a for-

11 malized racism on the order of South African apart-

12 heid’’ and the repression in the Xinjiang region as

13 a ‘‘slow motion Tiananmen’’.



15 It is the sense of Congress that—

16 (1) the President should condemn abuses

17 against Turkic Muslims by Chinese authorities in

18 Xinjiang and call on Chinese President Xi Jinping

19 to recognize the profound abuse and likely lasting

20 damage of China’s current policies, and immediately

21 close the ‘‘political reeducation’’ camps, lift all re-

22 strictions on and ensure respect for internationally

23 guaranteed human rights across the region, and

24 allow for reestablishment of contact between those

25 inside and outside China;

國會的意見是 - 

 (1)總統應該譴責中國當局在新疆對突厥穆斯林的虐待,並呼籲中國國家主席習近平承認針對中國現行政策的深刻濫用和不易持久的破壞,並立即關閉“政治教育”陣營,解除 所有限制並確保尊重整個地區的國際保障人權,並允許重新建立中國國內外的聯繫;

DAV19069 S.L.C. 11

1 (2) the United States Government should de-

2 velop a strategy to support the United Nations High

3 Commissioner for Human Rights and numerous

4 United Nations Special Rapporteurs’ urgent calls for

5 immediate and unfettered access to Xinjiang, includ-

6 ing the ‘‘political reeducation’’ camps and instruct

7 representatives of the United States at the United

8 Nations to use the voice and vote of the United

9 States to condemn the mass arbitrary detainment,

10 torture, and forced labor of Turkic Muslims in the

11 People’s Republic of China;

(2)美國政府應制定一項戰略,支持聯合國人權事務高級專員和許多聯合國特別報告員緊急呼籲立即和不受限制地進入新疆,包括“政治再教育”營地; 並指示美國駐聯合國代表利用美國的聲音和投票權來譴責中華人民共和國境內對突厥穆斯林的大規模任意拘留,酷刑和強迫勞動;

12 (3)  should consider the

13 applicability of existing authorities, including the

14 Global Magnitsky Act (subtitle F of Public Law

15 114–328), to impose targeted sanctions on members

16 of the Government of the People’s Republic of

17 China, the Chinese Communist Party, and state se-

18 curity apparatus, including Xinjiang Party Secretary

19 Chen Quanguo and other officials credibly alleged to

20 be responsible for human rights abuses in Xinjiang

21 and elsewhere;


22 (4) the Secretary of State should fully imple-

23 ment the provisions of the Frank Wolf International

24 Religious Freedom Act (Public Law 114–281) and

25 consider strategically employing sanctions and other

DAV19069 S.L.C. 12

1 tools under the International Religious Freedom Act

2 (22 U.S.C. 6401 et seq.) and to employ measures re-

3 quired as part of the ‘‘Country of Particular Con-

4 cern’’ (CPC) designation for the Government of the

5 People’s Republic of China that directly address par-

6 ticularly severe violations of religious freedom;

(4)國務卿應充分執行“弗蘭克沃爾夫國際宗教自由法”(公法114-281)的規定,並考慮根據“國際宗教自由法”(22 USC 6401 et seq。)戰略性地採用制裁和其他工具。指對中華人民共和國政府作為的“特別關注國家”(CPC)中的一部分,直接針對其特別嚴重的宗教自由侵犯行為採取必要的措施;

7 (5) the Secretary of Commerce should review

8 and consider the prohibition on the sale or provision

9 of any United States-made goods or services to any

10 state agent in Xinjiang, and add the Xinjiang

11 branch of the Chinese Communist Party, the

12 Xinjiang Public Security Bureau, and the Xinjiang

13 Office of the United Front Work Department, or

14 any entity acting on their behalf to facilitate the

15 mass internment or forced labor of Turkic Muslims,

16 to the ‘‘Entity List’’ administered by the Depart-

17 ment of Commerce;


18 (6) the Secretary of State should explore appro-

19 priate mechanisms to establish a voluntary database

20 to which United States citizens or permanent resi-

21 dent family members of the Uyghur diaspora can

22 provide details about missing family members, with

23 a view towards pressing for information and ac-

24 countability from the Government of the People’s

25 Republic of China, and take appropriate measures to

DAV19069 S.L.C. 13

1 expedite the asylum claims of Uyghurs, Kazakhs,

2 and other Turkic Muslim minorities;

(6)國務卿應探索建立自願數據庫的適當機制,維吾爾族僑民的美國公民或永久居民家庭成員可以提供有關失踪家庭成員的詳細信息,以期向政府提供信息和問責 中華人民共和國,並採取適當措施加快維吾爾族,哈薩克族和其他突厥穆斯林少數民族的庇護申請;

3 (7) United States companies and individuals

4 selling goods or services or otherwise operating in

5 Xinjiang should take steps, including in any public

6 or financial filings, to publicly assert that their com-

7 mercial activities are not contributing to human

8 rights violations in Xinjiang or elsewhere in China

9 and that their supply chains are not compromised by

10 forced labor;


此新闻共有2页  第1页  第2页  
