@zhaoxunlinghun 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:李偲嫣帶隊到潮聯小巴站,此事太匪夷所思吧。 (9:55 PM)
?@ptreporter Full of ppl outside Broadway Cinema. Are the anti-9wu guys protesting against the cinema?
@2cats4 Press Q&A now
?@ptreporter anti-9wu march now stops at SCB, Nathan Road.
@SocRECorg Mongkok: Man says assaulted by anti-#9wu er who suspected him to be a student #umhk #urhk #occupyhk
@zhaoxunlinghun 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:路人林先生於百老匯前報稱被襲,身上有血跡,警察查問中。 (9:40 PM)
?@cats4 Will continue mobile democracy classes through out community. #OccupyHK #OccupyCausewayBay
@iyengarrishi Student here since day 1: "I dropped a semester, but insignificant compared to others." Placard says "Never give up"
@fion_li Someone got arrested in Mong Kok by police, according to local reporters here. #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyCentral
@ElaineToHK Reps for protesters at Causeway Bay presser take a bow, thank supporters; special thanks to HK Tramways #OccupyHK
@SocRECorg: [21:14] 銅民Annie說金表示衷心多謝在場的街坊,感謝他們的無私付出。 亦為影響小商戶致歉,鞠躬五秒鐘。 她感謝電車公司沒有申請禁制令。 最後她表示警方可以清場,但是清不走人心。#OccupyHK
@zhaoxunlinghun 【雨傘革命,佔領街道】 旺角現場:「反反鳩嗚行動」惡搞團群眾高舉標語。 (9:05 PM)
@galileo44 銅民致謝會 銅道中人志不滅 遍地開花散落區: 12月9日(二) 晚上9時 不同崗位的留守者分享感受和經歷 向街坊表示致謝 以"撐遮"表示遍地開花落社區的決心 #OccupyHK
@sfchoi8964: 在雨傘廣場。
@ChuBailiang: Long queue to collect an Admiralty occupy momento: a yellow wrist band.
@hongkongdaobao: 最後絕食者鄭奕琳停止絕食: 學民思潮最後一名絕食者、中大政治與行政學系3年級生鄭奕琳在金鐘晚會上宣布停止絕食。 @iyengarrishi Statement expresses gratitude for volunteers+supporters as well as apologies to residents/transport companies. #umhk
@iyengarrishi Causeway Bay protest leaders thank everyone for standing by them, apologise to public. #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution
@2cats4 #OccupyCausewayBay protester's message: we hope the movement blossoms in people's mind #OccupyHK
@csnl26 pretty floral brolly banner from 2 nites ago. heading there now to see if its still there. #UmbrellaRevolution
?@hkdemonow Umbrella Square Day 73 雨傘廣場第73天 #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@ChuBailiang Possibly your last chance for an occupy Hong Kong haircut.
@japanavi 12月9日占領73日目、銅鑼湾占領区。雨傘ブックマークと黄色い雨傘折り紙をいただきました。作っていた女子に「多謝支持」と言われました、こちらこそありがとう。本当にありがとう。 #香港 #雨傘革命 #香港デモ
@japanavi 12月9日占領73日目、夕方の銅鑼湾占領区。 #香港 #雨傘革命 #香港デモ
?@ChuBailiang Pacalbel Canon played on Yamaha on Admiralty, fitting with the wistful mood many have in protest camp.
@aac_ 学生在为香港民主抗争时,黄伯也在质问“大人们在哪里”? @hkdemonow 黃伯致香港同胞的公開信 #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@Amberbrella Photo:Jimmy Lam #MongKok #UMHK #UmbrellaMovement #occupyHK #Hongkong #occupy #protest #umbrellarevolution #democracy
@tzmwm 「剝がすなら剝がしてみろ また貼るぞ」 「撤去させるならさせてみろ また占拠するぞ」 と手書きの張り紙 「真の普通選挙が欲しい」バナーの上に thanx @hkdemonow
@hkdemonow Admiralty Piano concert #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@2cats4 Press gathering. Agenda will conclude with raising of umbrellas #OccupyCausewayBay #OccupyHK
?@theophontes #occupyhk #hk Panorama from Lennon Wall. 20:50
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