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日期:12/9/2014 来源:博讯 作者:博讯

    Hunger strike 137 hours and counting #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong



    Admiralty tonight. How many lifetimes before I can walk these roads without cars again? #umhk

    1 Sichuanese survivor of #TiananmenMassacre, 1 Beijinger of #DemocracyWall, 2 Hongkongers: United we stand for #umhk

    獨媒:導演朋友說,他和幾位媒體界朋友(據說包括一位著名的香港電影導演)都想過一個最震撼的結局鏡頭:一天,當警察要清場的時候,發現整個佔領區已經消失了,只留下一張大海報,寫著「WE WILL BE BACK」。多有電影感。

    @hkdemonow: 遮打豪庭最新作品:「生可忍熟不可忍」「齊心 CY便下台」「#我要真普選」 #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
    https://www.facebook.com/chaterviews "



    @krislc: "The day the music died" message from a friend @norabean #OccupyHK "

    人血饅頭――取材自魯迅著名短篇小說《藥》 #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaArt #HongKong #OccupyHK


    @krislc: Mandarin Oriental cleared their ad as well. #OccupyHK

    1900 new map posted of the legco area they want cleared.


    LegCo secretariat posting more notice demanding protesters to go from demonstration area. Too high? #OccupyHK

    Hong Kong police urges #OccupyHK protestes to leave and remove barricades in presser. #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyHK

    "Reality leaves a lot to the imagination" Lennon
    So let's build a peaceful fantasy into reality. @norabean #OccupyHK

    「別遺忘有人在為你聲沙」(取自陳奕迅《浮誇》歌詞) #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaArt #HongKong #OccupyHK

    "The day the music died" message from a friend @norabean #OccupyHK

    most tents inside injunction areas are gone. only those on harcourt road stay. but they do expect to be all cleared.



    獨媒:導演朋友說,他和幾位媒體界朋友(據說包括一位著名的香港電影導演)都想過一個最震撼的結局鏡頭:一天,當警察要清場的時候,發現整個佔領區已經消失了,只留下一張大海報,寫著「WE WILL BE BACK」。多有電影感。

    These are the ones left on cotton tree drive. Will they welcome police to the HK commune on thurs? #OccupyHK




    Mandarin Oriental cleared their ad as well. #OccupyHK

    Welcome to the Hong Kong Commune.12月11日に予定される金鐘占領区「一部の道路占領禁止令」執行が、裁判所命令範囲を超えて政府による武力鎮圧につながらないことを願います #香港 #雨傘革命 #香港デモ

    #香港 #雨傘革命 #香港デモ

    12月9日「占領73日目」金鐘占領区。香港は良いお天気で、雨傘廣場は平穏でした。 #香港 #雨傘革命 #香港デモ

    社會記錄頻道:【佔領金鐘】2015鄭奕琳:首先要多謝醫護人員,戰友,市民,但身體已不能繼續了,120小時後,會停止絕食。一向是很貪咀的,但現在要絕食,絕對不是貪玩, 只為一個平等制度。

    More on #OccupyCentral on Connaught Road Central where court injunction has been posted. #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyHK




    #OccupyHK camping site on Cotton Road which is covered by court injunction, taken at noon Dec. 9 #UmbrellaMovement




    137hrs in, Gloria - of student group Scholarism - is still on hunger strike.
    Currently resting.



    What'll happen to the #OccupyHK Lennon Wall?
    Curator friend tells me a team will help remove/archive it tomorrow 7pm



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黄之锋已停止绝食 另一绝食学生入院
占中第69天:教师游行谴责政府暴力 学生绝食近百小时
4学生续绝食 建制派允协助促成对话