@tomgrundy Some people packing up, some tents removed ahead of #OccupyHK clearance this week.
@krislc Message from Uncle Wong: can you stand your children enduring such hardness for democracy?
@tomgrundy Sampson Wong,'Umbrella Movement Visual Archive &Research Collective' initiator, is saving 150 pieces of #OccupyHK art
@fion_li #Art in Admiralty #OccupyCentral on Dec. 9 as clearance could happen in less than two days' time. #UmbrellaMovement
@liuyun1989 香港大學民意研究計劃公佈五大紀律部隊及駐港解放軍民望數字,警隊繼續排名第五,評分只有61分,滿意淨值29%,跌至回歸以來新低。
@chanman And injunctions are posted. Leather jacket bailiff tapes to pole #occupyhk admiralty protest zone. Thurs 9am deadline
@STPjournalism "就算失望不能絕望; 堅持到底" Even when all seems lost, do not lose hope. Persist till the end. #UmbrellaRevolution
@sifan64 清走路障,清不走民意。You can sweep away the barricades but you cannot sweep away public opinion #UmbrellaRevolution
@ChuBailiang Admiralty protest camp is busy with people taking pictures and memories, anticipating an end soon.
@yukikei 抗命第 73 日 #UmbrellaRevolution
@breakandattack Quite a few bags of supplies have been relocated, but the LegCo tent city is still intact for now. #OccupyHK
@elliepng "We'll be back" banner displayed on Harcourt flyover after authorities announced Thursday #occupyhk site clearance.
@ChuBailiang Journalists gather, waiting for court officials to post injunction ordering protesters leave part of Admiralty.
@ChuBailiang At lunchtime, clusters of Hong Kong office workers stroll through Admiralty protest camp.
@byAlanWong Eric the artist, the rebel, the shirtless revolutionary of Mong Kok. His story & more
@fion_li The only Scholarism member on hunger strike demanding dialogue w/ govt: >132 hours. #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyCentral
@fion_li Admiralty #OccupyCentral on Dec. 9, 2014 as clearance could happen on Dec. 11 morning. #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyHK
?@liuyun1989 攝影師馬丁:還有一天, 無論十架或帳篷, 都只會變成回憶。 在金鐘餘下的時間不多了 每一下快門將是一段歷史 金鐘 立法會外
@ChuBailiang A picture of photographer taking a picture of cinematographer Chris Doyle taking pictures of Admiralty protest camp.
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