@krislc Joshua Wong is on @ZDF
@yyfcxo Pak Po:【我在这里】李偲嫣「反鳩嗚行動」正在集合。
?@krislc "you are not alone, the whole world is watching, this is a romantic movement" #OccupyHK
@liuyun1989 民間電台:金鐘清場前的霸氣banner
@krislc up on stage: ex tiananmen student @rosetangy to support students till the end #OccupyHK
?@ChuBailiang Gregory Lo, carpenter, days he and his friends will keep making furniture in Admiralty "for fun."
?@hkdemonow 傘落社區――在生活中延續雨傘精神 https://www.facebook.com/umbrella2neighborhood 、、、 #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@krislc he's suggesting shopping in central every saturday 2pm #OccupyHK
@hkdemonow 移印(連儂牆前) #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@ChuBailiang Crowd builds ahead of evening rally in Admiralty after police announce clearance plans.
?@krislc "it's not the hunger strikers that should say sorry, it should be CY Leung" #OccupyHK
@krislc Hunger striker Gloria Cheng in tears hopes gov restarts political reform; now stopping after 142 hours #OccupyHK
?@hkdemonow A new Lion Rock model in front of the original one #UmbrellaRevolution #UmbrellaArt #OccupyHK #HongKong #我要真普選
@liuyun1989 社會記錄頻道:2003 太子反鳩嗚行動集合地點 行動召集人李思傿現身於集合地點,現場有少量掛上藍絲帶的市民,目測大約二十人。(右圖是我添加的)
@MikeGJW Eerie, not stop sneezing after I got on a bridge I got teargassed on two months ago. Or it could be the draft.
@japanavi: 金鐘占領区、12月11日(木)に撤去が執行される予定エリア。もう、ほぼ綺麗に片付いています。 #香港 #雨傘革命 #香港デモ ”この状態の意味するところは深い!
@hkdemonow Long queues for leather craft yellow ribbons #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #OccupyHK
@krislc "you can clear the barricades you cant clear our determination" #OccupyHK
@hkdemonow 雨傘點滴 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=738611946187274 、、、 #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@hkdemonow "Police site clearance, no big deal! We began from scratch anyway." 「清場有咩大不了?本都由零開始!」 #OccupyHK
@MikeGJW Injunction order on a barricade outside city hall. Sign on left says "take ten down, a hundred will rise" #OccuptHK
@ChuBailiang Proposal in Admiralty for civil disobedience in Central on Saturdays to replace occupy protests.
@hkdemonow Shopping Movement screen printing #9wu #OccupyHK #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong
@galileo44 2 girls keep picking up litter since 9/22 students strike. They at last cried. #OccupyHK
?@galileo44 No one gathered in MongKok for Letica Lee’s anti #OccupyHK #9WuRevolution https://www.
@hkdemonow 「警賊無理符」 #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@ChuBailiang Admiralty protest site on Tuesday at 7:30 pm.
?@krislc There's a chatting session at HKFS tents tonight for people to share their #OccupyHK stories
@fion_li #OccupyHK protesters in Causeway Bay will hold rally tonight and may pack up before clearance. #UmbrellaMovement
@fion_li Banner demanding true universal suffrage at Admiralty #OccupyHK on Dec. 9 noon. #UmbrellaMovement #OccupyCentral
@fion_li Admiralty "Umbrella Square" on Dec. 9 noon - #OccupyCentral clearance to start Dec. 11 9 a.m. #UmbrellaMovement
@hkdemonow Legco prayer zone #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK #HongKong
@krislc and a sign popped up outside legco saying this will be study corner 2 #OccupyHK
@breakandattack Me and @STPjournalism in Xmas hats now. Big supply turned up, awesome girl from earlier made sure we were included.
@zhaoxunlinghun (19:02) 警務處助理處長張德強指,警方今早與原告人及執達主任開會,於本周四(12月11日)有需要時會全力協助執行中環、金鐘佔領路段禁制令,然後會開通中環、金鐘一帶道路,移除其他道路及行人路上的障礙物,包括干諾道中、夏愨道、添華道
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